Event Report: The Atlantic Silicon Valley Summit - Exploring The Culture Of Innovation [VIDEO] #AtlanticSVS
What's Next In the Valley?
Silicon Valley has reached the status of international myth, as the promised land of creative thinking and innovation, and the home of leaders who are shaping the way we interact with the physical world. What is it about this place that draws the world's most forward- reaching minds? As pockets of innovation spring up across the country - Silicon Alley, Silicon Beach, and Silicon Priarie, for example, how can the Valley maintain its status?
An Inside Look On The Culture Of Innovation From A Historian, A Practitioner, And A Futurist
On December 16th, The Atlantic drew together cutting edge technologists, investors, and digital futurists for its first Silicon Valley Summit: Listening To The Innovators. Held at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA, the panelists included:
- Leslie Berlin - Project Historian for the Silicon Valley Archives at Stanford University
- Ben Galbraith - VP of Global Products at Walmart Labs
- Marina Gorbis, Executive Director at the Institute for the Future
The panel was challenged with addressing the key pillars of innovation, where other hotspots could take foothold, what is inside the DNA of an innovative organization, and what to expect next in 2014. A few highlights from the event include:
- Identifying key pillars of innovation. The panelists identified audacity, optimism, innovation, culture of no permission, good network, and the constant influx of new people as key pillars.
- Taking Silicon Valley elsewhere. The panelists overwhelmingly thought it was not going to be possible to bring the valley elsewhere. The valley itself is a unique culture. However, they believed that areas such as Silicon Alley, Silicon Beach, Silicon Prairie, and Silicon Roundabout could build their own nexus of innovation.
- Ensuring future access to Silicon Valley. The panelists also felt that it was important to provide access to the innovation in Silicon Valley to the rest of the world.
Video: The Atlantic Live - Exploring The Culture Of Innovation
Exploring the Culture of Innovation from The Atlantic
<iframe src="http://fora.tv/embed?id=19528&type=c" width="600" height="400" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" webkitAllowFullScreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="http://fora.tv/v/c19528">Exploring the Culture of Innovation</a> from <a href="http://fora.tv/partner/Atlantic">The Atlantic</a> on <a href="http://fora.tv">FORA.tv</a>
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