Tuesday's Tip: Virtual Meeting Best Practices
Crowdsourced Best Practices Reflect Work From Home Constraints
The shift to remote work and work from home often involves a virtual meeting. Core to that virtual meeting is the video call, which adds a little bit of complexity in meetings. Constellation sees best practices across four phases of the video call - audio visual setup, prepping before the call, actions while on the call, and post call followup:
AV setup
The audio-visual set up often requires participants to find a quiet and well-lit space with good wi-fi connectivity. Here are some tips to ensure a high quality experience:
- Put your camera/laptop at eye level
- Turn on the camera
- Light up your face.
- Avoid having light behind you (windows)
- Eliminate distracting movements from camera view
- Test audio, consider a high quality microphone
Prepping before the call
Given the constraints of space and room environment (i.e. kids, location, soundproofing, etc.), expectations have been relaxed on meeting norms. However, the following best practices can improve the meeting experience:
- Set expectations on not apologizing for unexpected distractions
- Set norms on voice only vs video only
- Don't be late
- Wear clothes (appropriate clothes)
- Close the office door
- WD40 your squeaky chair.
During the call
To improve interaction and engagement, keep the following tips in mind to ensure an enjoyable meeeting:
- Mute when not speaking
- Look into the camera when speaking and sit still
- Don't eat while on the call
- Avoid obvious multitasking
- Get good at interrupting
- Use the chat features and polling
- Don't pick up your machine and walk with the camera on
- Avoid picking at your face
- Smile
Post Call
Post call practices focus on archiving and followup. Gather feedback to improve the next meeting dynamics:
- Followup with notes
- Distribute or host the recording
- Get feedback
Thank You Twitter Brain Trust
Always thankful for the diversity of thought among the Twittersphere. The following folks contributed to the best practices. Thank you!
- Alan Lepofsky (@alanlepo )
- @billforquer Bill Forquer
- @brianoliger Brian Oliger
- @dalytics Doug Hadden
- @eric_kavanagh Eric Kavanagh
- @jesus_hoyos Jesus Hoyos
- @johnshansen John S Hansen
- @jonas419 Dan Goldberg
- @luborp Lubor Ptacek
- @mdalton323 Mark Dalton
@MontgomeryKen Ken Montgomery
- @neeraj Neeraj Mathur
- @realcolinmac Colin McGuire
- @reichental Jonathan Reichental
- @thebillp Bill Petersen
- @walevska Walevska PérezHerrera
- @wantnews Want News
Your POV
Need help with selecting your virtual events platform? Need a post pandemic playbook for the future of work? Let me know, we can help! Add your comments to the blog or reach me via email: R (at) ConstellationR (dot) com or R (at) SoftwareInsider (dot) org. Please let us know if you need help with your AI and Digital Business transformation efforts. Here’s how we can assist:
- Developing your digital business strategy
- Connecting with other pioneers
- Sharing best practices
- Vendor selection
- Implementation partner selection
- Providing contract negotiations and software licensing support
- Demystifying software licensing
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Resources And Related Research
- E-commerce Times , Richard Adhikari "Uber Eats Postmates for $2.6B, Bolsters Ground Game", July 7th, 2020
- Monday’s Musings: Seven Common Failures Plague Board Room Strategy In Digital Transformation May 7, 2018
- Monday’s Musings: Designing Five Pillars For Level 1 Artificial Intelligence Ethics March 26, 2018
- Book Summary: Lesson 10 From Disrupting Digital Business – Segment By Digital Proficiency Not Age July 12, 2015
- Book Summary: Lesson 9 From Disrupting Digital Business – Deliver Intention Driven, Mass Personalization At Scale July 2, 2015
- Book Summary: Lesson 8 From Disrupting Digital Business – Democratize Distribution With P2P Networks June 22, 2015
- Webinar Invite: Delivering on Continuity – The Future of Marketing June 15, 2015
- Book Summary: Lesson 7 From Disrupting Digital Business – Humanize Digital With Digital Artisans June 14, 2015
- Book Summary: Lesson 6 From Disrupting Digital Business – Win With Network Economies June 10, 2015
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