Quips: Five Life and Leadership Lessons From The Billionaire's Club
Insights Remain Consistent Among The Uber Successful
Over the past year, I've had the pleasure of speaking with 19 billionaires. I took the opportunity to ask them for their life lessons and leadership advice. Because these uber successful individuals came from varied backgrounds and industries, I was expecting many different answers. However, I was proven wrong. In fact, the majority of their conversations fit into five common nuggets of wisdom:
- You can never think big enough. Despite how big you think or how large a problem you hope to solve, there is always a bigger one ahead. Don't let the challenge keep you back. More importantly, don't let yourself go unchallenged.
- Do not settle for second best. Life is short. Don't be a maniac but expect more from yourself and others around you. If you keep high standards, you'll be surrounded by others who keep high standards in business and life.
- Remember all you ever have is your health. When you realize you are on borrowed time, then you'll change how you live. Health should never be taken for granted. Start thinking about how to prolong and improve your quality of life in your 30's and 40's not your 60's.
- Invest in your offspring and next generation. Many wish they spent more of their times shaping the next generation including their kids. Most felt they did not do a great job while focused on their career. Some even suggested that you not have kids unless you are ready to invest the time.
- Find out who your real friends are earlier than later. Many mentioned that you only know who your real friends are when you are poor, sick, and unemployed. Surround yourself with people you can trust with real friendships, not business or social interests.
Do these resonate with you? What do you think?
Your POV.
Got some nuggets of wisdom to share? Add your comments to the blog or reach me via email: R (at) ConstellationR (dot) com or R (at) SoftwareInsider (dot) org.
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