Research Preview: Enterprise Healthcare Management (EHM) Market Overview
Enterprise Healthcare Management Comes Of Age
Enterprise healthcare management (EHM) technology is a category of software that incorporates analytics into the typical employer-provided healthcare solution. EHM enables employers to maximize their healthcare investments by improving the delivery of healthcare for employees, and identifying previously unknown opportunities uncovered by data.
Enterprise healthcare management will help enterprises confront the healthcare affordability crisis by providing insights into usage and highlighting areas for optimization. Organizations should evaluate the benefits of enterprise healthcare management as the forces of healthcare technology and future of work trends continue to converge.
My latest report provides a market overview of the EHM market. The report will be published February 24, 2015. Check back soon for more details.
Report Highlights
- Constellation expects healthcare expenditures by U.S. organizations to increase as total healthcare spending grows from 17.1 percent to a projected 25.8 percent of U.S. gross domestic product by 2025
- Healthcare costs and efficacy of health and wellness programs remain top of mind for CEOs, CFOs, and Chief People Officers.
- Business objectives of EHM
-Incentivize employees to make responsible healthcare decisions
-Guide employees to maximize available benefits
-Improve healthcare efficacy for employee and employer
-Reduce unnecessary care
-Reveal usage patterns that create business opportunities
-Five drivers of the Enterprise Health Cloud - Bottom line: EHM addresses the affordability crisis
The report will be available here on February 24, 2015
Your POV.
Ready to take on healthcare costs and improve health outcomes with technology? Add your comments to the blog or reach me via email: R (at) ConstellationR (dot) com or R (at) SoftwareInsider (dot) org.
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