Event Report: Glassdoor Employer Branding Summit
Employer Branding Comes of Age
On September 12th, Glassdoor kicked off its Employer Branding Summit in San Francisco at the Hotel Nikko. Social recruiting, employer branding, and talent acquisition pros gathered to hear how branding impacts the recruiting landscape. Robert Hohman, CEO of Glassdoor welcomed the audience to set the stage (see Figure 1).
Guest speakers included Lars Schmidt – Amplify Talent, Josh Bersin – Bersin by Deloitte, Bryan Chaney – IBM, Jennifer Tharp – AT&T, Arie Ball & Anthony Scarpino – Sodexo, Jen Powell – Deloitte, Stacy Zapar – Zappos, and Shannon Smedstad – CEB who shared their stories on their journey to the employer branding movement.
Inside The Glassdoor For Employers Approach
Glassdoor for Employers has taken the crowd sourcing review approach and inverted it as a feedback and insight tool for employers. In short the Vault meets Angie's list for a digital age metaphor applies in its key offerings:
- Employer Branding. Think segmentation and targeting of recruits through content strategy via messaging, social media videos, and other dynamic content. Most employers have taken advantage of the analytics on candidate demographics and site activity.
- Corporate Reputation and Employer Brand. This employer offering is the recruiting equivalent of brand monitoring used for social media command centers. Employers gain insights on rankings by category including work - life balance, benefits, cultures and values, and others. Of interest to most CEOs is the ability to implement reputation management.
Bottom Line: Apply Principles Of Brand Authenticity To Recruiting For A Digital World
Companies such as Glassdoor and Smashfly have been pioneering the application of CRM principles to recruiting and employer branding. Lessons learned from the speakers as well as the experts in the audience reinforce the following principles required to not only win the war on talent but also disrupt digital business:
- Recruiting in a digital age requires trust and transparency.
- Your brand drives the type of talent you attract.
- Apply marketing principles to recruiting.
- Use the 9C's of engagement for out reach to prospective talent.
- Brand marketing and HR converge in this growing category of employer branding.
Figure 1. A Short FlickrStream From #GDSummit San Francisco
Join us October 29th to 31st for Constellation’s Connected Enterprise: The Executive Innovation Conference For Digital CXO’s and Leaders. These leaders convene to discover, share, and inspire each other on how digital business can realize brand promises, transform business models, increase revenues, reduce costs, and improve compliance.
The 3-day executive retreat will include mind expanding keynotes from visionaries and futurists, interactive best practices panels, deep 1:1 20 minute interviews with market makers, rapid fire high-energy new technology demos, The Constellation SuperNova Awards event, a golf outing, and an immersive networking event.
Your POV.
Ready for employer branding? Are you working closely with your marketing team to implement these changes? What's your strategy? Add your comments to the blog or reach me via email: R (at) ConstellationR (dot) com or R (at) SoftwareInsider (dot) com.
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- Connecting with other market leaders and fast followers
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